Become A volunteer

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And have a fun time while doing it!

As it is said “Every bit helps

Abuse, Cruelty, Neglect is the reality of today’s world & biggest pain point for the animal rehabs & shelter homes like us. The increasing number of abandoned and mistreated animals compels us to make a loud appeal to one and all to come forward & join us in caring for these speechless & homeless beings. We need YOU.

Our members believe that animal abuse and their ill treatment are deep rooted in the cultural and social mind-sets of the people and these require fundamental changes in how people think about their relationship with the animals as well as the environment.

If you care for animals and other creatures that we share this earth with and would like to contribute your efforts that could have a multiplier effect in building a compassionate society in India, come join us as a volunteer or an intern. You would be involved in teaching school children compassion towards animals; empathy towards people and care for the nature. Get to know what & how you can contribute & this being a noble task, may even inspire you to becoming a hero to many speechless souls in need.

We Could Utilize Your Services!

We couldn’t save the lives of these animals without you. We appreciate any time or donations you can offer us.


We need volunteers seven days a week from 11:00-7:00. If you even have an hour, stop by. There’s always a pet in need.


Anyone can volunteer! You just have to love animals and be ready to work.


We rescue thousands of abused and neglected dogs and cats every year. They all need care, help, and your love.

As a volunteer what you can do

Research and develop educational material for humane education programs

Research and write material for the media, social media, blogs and newsletters

Graphic and web design our online and textbooks material

Build databases of animal welfare organizations and hospitals, Vets, Ambulance Operators, volunteers, etc.

Conduct workshops for college students on animal welfare and environment sustenance

Attend to our Animal Helpline and help in coordinating rescue work

Fund raise by writing grant proposals and crowd funding

what will vounteer do

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